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<ġ - WFB ̻>

± ұȸ(WFB) 84 ̻ȸ 2015 4 7-11 ġ 4 12 ڸ () ִ į ÿ ϱ , ұ ̲ ִ ± ùٶ ȸ ȯ ȸ . ħ 4 10 ± ų ̶ 湮 ùٶ 湮ϰ ־. 10 븸 ұȸǿ ׸ ε ִµ, ̹ ̼ ȯ ð . ⼭ ùٶ ؼ Ұ ұѴ,

ùٶ ± ȸȰμ θ ˷ ιμ ұ븦 ƼƮ ޶ , Ʈ ٰŸ ΰ Ȱϴ ƽ , į ͺ 糭 Բ ̲ ִ ȭ ̴.

: ·κ 븸 , ùٶ , ġ ڻ, ùٶ ().
leechiran.jpg [ 115.77 KiB | 18 ° ȸ ]

״ Ͻ ϰ ͱϿ ±ȸ 䡷 ϸ鼭 ±ȸ ǿ Ǹ ؼ Ҹ 鼭 ָ ޾Ұ, 1968 Ƽڼ- (NGO) ؼ Ȱ ߴ. Ƽڼ- (NGO) ƴ (1888-1969)̶ ± , η, μ, , Ÿ ȭ ڷμ ± ߿ ϴ ι (1889-1945) Ȱ ϱ ؼ ̴.

޼ϰ ȭϴ ± ȸ Ͽ ± ϰ Ǹ â ȸ Ͽ, 1976 Ÿ Ͽ 2Ⱓ ijٿ Ȱ , ± Ÿ ݴϴ ȭ ̱ ϱ⵵ ߴ. ùٶ ̶ ȭ âߴµ ī ؼ ϰ ұȭȸ(Buddhist Peace Fellowship), ȭ ٸ̵ ų(Peace Brigade International) ȭ(Gandhi Peace Foundation) ȭü ڷμ ϸ鼭 ȭ ߴ.

± ƿͼ ȸġ ± ȸ ߰, ƽþ ȭ ӸǾ,ƽþ ൿȸ Ǿ, 1982 ± ȸ ؼ (NGO)ü õߴ. 1984⿡ ˷ ӵǾ, ±δ ׸ ؾ Ѵٴ ȸ ȸ ˹߽, 1991 ٽ Ž Ͽ ± ǰ еǰ ִٴ ˷ Ͽ 1995 ؾ ߴ.

Ź ġ Ͼ߸ ϰ ϱ⵵ ߴ. 2007 ұ ȭ ݴߴµ, ± 浹(̽) ߱Ѵٴ . ״ ޶ ׻󽺡 Ͽȭ ⿬ϱ⵵ ߴ.

ùٶ Ͽ ± ȸ ġ ȭ â ԰, Ǹ Ͽ 鿡 ġ ġڵκ ҷŲ . ״ ± ġ п , ȸ ұ . ״ 2009 11 6 ˷ ӵƴٰ Ǯ⵵ ߴ. ״ ̷ȸ(WFC) ǿ̱⵵ ϴ. ״ 뺧ȭ ĺ ⵵ ߴ.

ұ ȸ μ âѴ. ״ ȸȭ ̸߽ ȸȭ ̴. Ѵ. ȯ ȣ ȯ ұö ϴ â, ܼ ġ 䱸Ѵ. ܼ ġ ü ݿ κ ο ұ Ǿ Ѵٰ Ѵ. ״ ұ ո ϱ⸦ ٶ ұ ̽ DZ Ͽ ǽ()ǿ źǸ ﰡ Ѵٰ Ѵ. ״ ұ̰ ±, ؼ Ǿ ϰ Ǿ Ѵٰ иϰ ϰ ִ.

(11 )
漺 ǰ ٸ 䱸 Ѵ

ȭ ѵ: ȸϽ ұ
, ȭ, ȭ: ȭô뿡 ұ
- 浹 ұ ذ-

ұ. Ÿ ȸ 1975.
, Ÿ ȸ 1987.
⿡ ó þ: , Ƽ 㸶 ȸ 1990
ȭ ѵ: ȸ ұ, 1992
б, Ÿ ȸ 1993.
ȸ ұ: , Ÿ ȸ 1994
漺 ǰ ̸ 䱸 Ѵ: ұ , 1998
۷ι : , ȸ ȯ ҷа ͺ, Ÿ ȸ 1999
Ƿ: Ÿ ħ ٳ 1999
, ȭ, ȭ: ۷ι迡 ұ, ǻ 2005
Ӱɼ : 21⸦ ұ, ǻ 2010
A Socially Engaged Buddhism, Thai Inter-Religious Commission for Development, 1975
Religion and Development, Thai Inter-Religious Commission for Development, 1987
Siam in crisis: A Collection of Articles, Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute, 1990
Seeds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society, Parallax Press, 1992
Buddhist Perception for Desirable Societies in the Future: Papers prepared for the United Nations University, Thai Inter-Religious Commission for Development, 1993
A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society: Collected articles, Inter-religious Commission for Development, 1994
Loyalty Demands Dissent: Autobiography of a Socially Engaged Buddhist, Parallax Press, 1998
Global Healing: Essays and Interviews on Structural Violence, Social Development and Spiritual Transformation, Thai Inter-Religious Commission for Development, 1999
Powers That Be: Pridi Banomyong through the rise and fall of Thai democracy, 1999
Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World, Wisdom Publications, 2005
The Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century, Souvenir Press, 2010

̻󿡼 Ұ ٿ ùٶ ұ μ ұ ġ ִ ̴. ϰ Ұ ȸ ⼭ ϳ ùٶ翡 Ұ ģ.

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